
Mission & Vision Statement

Mission: Hope Unlimited exists to share the Good News of Jesus and defend the value of every life. We educate and support moms and dads through the journey of parenting.

Vision: We believe every child should have a chance to be born into a healthy family with a mom and dad who desire to experience the abundant life available to all through the hope we have in Jesus.

Our History

Hope Unlimited was formed in December 1989 in response to the overwhelming needs of young women facing crisis pregnancies in the Paducah-McCracken County area. At that time, Murray, KY had a crisis pregnancy center, but the more densely populated area of Paducah and the surrounding counties were without a pro-life alternative for women in crisis. Hope Unlimited now operates out of two centers in Paducah, KY and Metropolis, IL offering all of our services for free in a confidential and non-judgmental environment.

Through the years, the services we offer have expanded and now branch out well beyond just single young women. Our clients range from teenagers to grandparents and they come from every walk of life within a wide range of demographics, both men and women.

Today Hope Unlimited has a Board of Directors consisting of up to 15 members, 40+ active volunteers, and up to 19 employees from Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois. We have served clients from all over our region since our doors have opened in Paducah, KY in December 1990 and Metropolis, IL in October 2006. Since then we have been able to offer free pregnancy testing, a Learn to Earn program, student development in our local schools, adoption information, abortion alternatives and procedure information, post-abortion recovery programs, court-ordered parenting classes that are recognized by our local court system, and a full men’s program, all of which help build self-worth and integrity. We also give community referrals and receive clients through referrals by networking with other local profit and non-profit agencies. By providing a 24-hour Hope Line for clients who may be in crisis and unable to access our services during regular business hours, we are always sure that we are available to help meet the needs of those seeking our services.

Our Affiliates

When the world says, Give Up
Hope whispers, One More Time.