Considering parenting?

All of your choices for your unplanned pregnancy require a lot of information and thought. Choosing to parent is no different. At Hope Unlimited Family Care Center, we want to offer you the confidence and help you need to truly consider parenting as an option you’re capable of. If there’s anything we’re passionate about, it’s family!

The Parenting Challenge

There’s not a parent on this earth that will say parenting isn’t a challenge. It doesn’t matter how much money, help, or brains you have; children don’t come with an operation manual. Your child is unique. There isn’t another one like him or her.

Are you asking yourself some of these questions?

  • Am I too young or immature to parent?
  • What if my partner or parent(s) don’t want me to keep the baby, but I do?
  • What will I do about school/work?
  • How will I financially support a child?
  • Do I have a strong emotional support system?

Every one of these questions is valid, and we want to help you answer them.

How we can help you

Becoming a mother is a journey, but we want to make the road a little less bumpy. In addition to our medical clinic, we have a full prenatal clinic that offers care through post-partum along with educational programs and mentoring. Here’s how we can help you:


Individual and group support and guidance for any difficulties affecting parents, including:
  • Financial concerns
  • Family planning
  • Conflict resolution
  • Parenting skills/struggles
  • Life skills classes
  • Bible studies

Learn to Earn

The Learn to Earn (LTE) Program takes expectant and current parents and guardians on a journey with a destination in mind. Each client works with trained staff or volunteers to create goals specific to that person’s growth. Along this journey, staff and volunteers educate, equip and empower clients to reach mile markers. Each mile marker towards the destination betters the entire family by bettering the parent. Throughout the journey, LTE clients earn Hope Dollars to spend on baby essentials, clothes for the entire family, or supplies for the home. The integrity parents build by providing for their children is an invaluable part of their growth.


Whether in the home with the kids or not, we offer man-to-man services, including free mentoring.  Men are also encouraged to participate in LTE and come to all medical appointments.

Community Thrift Store

Hope’s Closet is open to clients, as well as the community!  Clothes for the family, housewares, and toys are on sale for very low prices.  All proceeds directly fund Hope Unlimited Family Care Center. There is a Hope’s Closet located inside the centers in Paducah and Metropolis. You may donate items or shop for them during regular store hours.

Is parenting right for you?

Come and chat with us about the parent option. You may be surprised by what’s currently available to you. We can give you community referrals and support along the way. No matter who else is in your life, we promise you won’t have to do this alone. There is Hope. Hope Unlimited.

When the world says, Give Up
Hope whispers, One More Time.